Day: 2011/05/04


April was National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). What an incredible opportunity to read the work of (and be read by) some really talented folks…poets I have come to know as friends. Friends who have encouraged and challenged me. Some, just by brushing up against their work…others, through our personal interactions via email.

One of these new friends writes a bit of an introduction to his poems. This has inspired me to do the same.  Not only do I like the idea of setting a backdrop for my poetry, but also because poetry has become such an integrated part of my life these past four months, it seems only natural that some of my ponderings will result in poetry.

That was the long way to this introduction:  talks with another friend over the past week have had me thinking about forgiveness and grace. So, when the prompt from Three Word Wednesday included the word “grace”, I wasn’t surprised.


The line is quite thin
between sin and forgiveness;
flesh wavers, resists.

The choice, ours alone.
A jittery “yes” to sin,
“no” to forgiveness?

Or “yes” to freedom
found in living a redeemed
life, full of His grace?

2011-05-04 10:50 p.m.
P. Wanken

written for Three Word Wednesday prompt: grace, jitter, thin