Spontaneous Haiku…and it’s not even a full moon!

luminous full moon
an omen predicting some
erratic actions

P. Wanken

This was written for Three Word Wednesday prompt: erratic, luminous, omen. I read the prompt very early this morning and had these three words bouncing around in my head all day! Now it’s 10 p.m. and I’ve finally gotten the opportunity to sit down to write…and it was these three simple lines that burst out of me like they’d been caged up all day. I was not anticipating a haiku, it’s just what happened! Now I get to go read what words burst forth from all of my poetry friends responding to this prompt!


  1. Paula,

    I really like your poem. It flows well, and it uses the three words just right. Using them in a haiku is even harder, since you only have three lines. Good job!


    1. Thank you, Gordon…I do tend to be one of fewer words…so the haiku seems a good fit for me at times. But I really thought this was going to be a longer write, this time. Glad you liked it. 🙂 ~Paula


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