Six Word Saturday…3/31/12

Last day before becoming a fool?

Tomorrow is April 1st, known to most as “April Fools’ Day.” However, for the second April in a row, to me it means the first day of a poem-a-day challenge! April is National Poetry Month. So…I’ll be following the prompts offered at Poetic Asides and other places, in an effort to write a poem each day in April.

I hope you will be back for visits throughout the month…
here, as well as other poets’ blogs.
NaPoWriMo.Net is a great place to go to find more poetry!


Written for “Six Word Saturday”…click here to go to Cate’s blog to read other posts.


  1. Hey, I yam whut I yam; I never waits fer specific date.

    As for NaPoWriMo, I’m out this year; too much else going on, no real energy, I’m in a slump, and a hundred other lame excuses.

    But I believe I first started reading you last year at this time. I’ve got your feed though, & I’ll be watching, so go out there & write up astorm, lady. Salute!


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