
I Once Dreamed About Being A Grandma


I could see
my grandkids and me
walking through
my house, the
stories being told again
about all they see.

Their mom’s first
trophy for tennis;
their dad’s framed
cast photo
from his last night performing
on stage in college.

We would bake
cookies together
to take to
their grandpa
who was working out in the
yard, or his workshop.

I would watch
the love being shared
between gramps
and the kids,
thankful for good fortune and
loving family.

But first, I
would have needed to
fall in love.
The kind of
love that lasts forever; to
become man and wife.

we’d have built a home,
started a
To be a grandma, I would
have first been a mom.

I would have
watched my children grow
into young
adults, I’d
have cheered their successes and
nursed their hurts, in love.

To be a
grandma, I would have
needed to
let my kids
go out on their own to find
their own place in life.

As my years
advance, my daydreams
become mere
nightmares of being alone,
my reality.

I once dreamed  about being a grandma.

It was just a dream.

P. Wanken 

Written for Creative Bloomings Prompt #156: You May Say I’m A Dreamer – this is prompt #156 of weekly prompts, which means it is the final prompt of the third year of prompts! It also means it is my 156th poem written for this series of prompts! Yes, I’ve managed to respond to every prompt offered (though not always during the week of the prompt, some were a tad late). But I’m pleased to say I’ve written to each one.

Mamma Mia!

Tortoiseshell cat carrying her kitten up a fli...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Watch a mamma cat
as she cares
for her kittens,
you will see her
(ok, four-paw-edly)
corral her babies,
groom them,
feed them,
protect them,
teach them, and
keep them in line.
She is creating
cats, ready
for the big world.
If you have seen
a mamma cat in action,
you have seen
my mom.

P. Wanken

Written for Poetic Bloomings Prompt #78 (Memoir Project – Part #13): Mamma Mia!