La Luna Blu


Once in a blue moon
moonbeams carry magic —
magic that cannot be broken.
Broken people are filled with love,
love then finds a home in hearts.
Hearts that are healed, dance —
dancin’ in the magic, for once!
Once in a blue moon.

P. Wanken

Inspired by Poetic Bloomings In-Form Poet: Loop Poetry; 100 Days of Summer Prompt:  Once In A Blue Moon; and dVerse Poet’s Pub: write a weather poem (I’m hoping this loosely fits the “weather” theme, but went with it anyway!) And–it’s not a perfectly “full” moon in shape, but it’s close! 


  1. smiles…love the progression in this…and seeing the broken and broken hearted find love again…i hope that is more than just in a blue moon…smiles.


    1. The form I used is “Loop Poetry” — if you follow the link at the end of this post, it will take you to Poetic Bloomings where the form is explained.

      As for my blue background… 😀


    1. Yes — and in August you WILL have the chance to see a blue moon. Two full moons in one month!

      Thanks for your visit. And, I’m glad you like this one. 🙂


    1. I don’t speak Italian so the most I wanted to attempt to include of “Once in a blue moon” for the title was what I used. I’m not even certain it would be how you would say “blue moon” in Italian! But yes, I loved the sound of it and couldn’t resist.

      Dance away!


  2. There definitely is something about the moon that seems mystical and magical. I like how you managed to ‘loop’ back to the original line; and that you pulled of a rather lunar shape.


    1. Thank you, Ruth. Good of you to drop by…I’m glad you enjoyed this poem! And thanks for the feedback on my blog. I have always had the blue background, but recently changed the header photo — I think the brightness of this new photo is an improvement. I hope you’ll stop back sometime. 🙂



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