Olivia And The Sea (of Tranquility)


After a visit to the city
Olivia soon realized
living by the sea
was really more civilized.

Sitting on the shore
she heard no traffic noise,
just the clanging signals
of distant, rocking buoys.

Under her feet was sand,
not hardened pavement.
And in every inhalation,
the fresh air, so fragrant.

Olivia’s spirit was soothed,
in her cottage by the sea;
mind and body connected,
by the sea of tranquility.

P. Wanken

Written for We Write Poems #157: Zen and the Soul of Body Maintenance (Part 4 in Who is your Protaganist?) For PART ONE, See “Olivia And The Ordinary.” Posted for day 77 in 100 Days of Spring – 2013.


  1. I’ve been following Olivia, PW, since she first showed up here. Each better than the last, I think. This one’s outstanding!


    1. Thank you, Ron. I’m not usually a rhymer…and this is breaking out of my shadorma habit, a bit. There’s a 10-prompt series going, so we’ll see if Olivia keeps showing up. 🙂


  2. That does sound wonderful! I experience zen moments at the sea as well unfortunately my poor husband can’t stop throwing up so we really do not go to the ocean very much


  3. Paula, you set the scene nicely for Olivia. I am so far behind on reading for the protagonist prompt. I like where you are going with it.



    1. Thanks, Pamela. I have been crazy busy and haven’t made my rounds, either… :-\

      I have been enjoying writing about Olivia. I’m not sure “where she came from” — but I, too, look forward to where she’ll take me. 🙂


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