Who’s The Unlucky One?


feral cat, trapped for the trap/neuter/return program

in this contraption
he wonders
if he is lucky
or not

carried off
to places
unknown to him
he cowers
in the corner

and prodded
stuck and clipped
litter mates
no where in sight

back into the woods
a place familiar
the only home
he’s known

litter mates
no where in sight

P. Wanken

Written for Poetic Asides 2012 PAD Challenge Day 13: write an “unlucky” poem (for today, Friday the 13th).

Also written in recognition of the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition’s work through their trap/neuter/release program.


    1. My two babies are rescue kitties — definitely the way to go if they’re adoptable. However…not all of them are. Thanks for your visit!! 🙂


  1. love the write just think a nice home would have been better than release but they are feral such a sad situation.


    1. Thanks for your visit, Len…and your words. The program here in San Antonio definitely DOES find homes for those cats that are adoptable. However, some of the cats have been feral too long. Those are the ones released. Unfortunately, the ones caught by animal control and aren’t adopted, end up with an even grimmer fate.


      1. I am such an animal lover I just hurt when I know they are being put down. I know it’s better to put them back into their environment ..someday I will probably be on the news ..you know the house that has 300 cats and same amount of dogs…lol


        1. LOL — I know. I wish I could save them all! As it is, I have two rescue kitties. While it’s true they came from a litter that my sister’s cat had…it was my sister’s cat only because a couple months prior she showed up at her house and had kittens in the woodpile next to the house. So…it was a multi-step rescue. 😉


    1. Ha! I wish I could reason with them and tell them such! …especially when I’ve just had them staying overnight at my sister’s and they most likely felt banished to one room. I wish I could explain that it’s better than the kennel!


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